Education is a key factor for a better future. It is evident that Texas has been ranked low on its education system, and you would think there would be a change to better the system, but no. I was reading two articles on The Texas Observer and The Texas Tribune and both articles talked about how Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock is attempting to pass an education bill HB 5, which would change the requirements for a student to graduate. This bill proposes that any Texas high school diploma is good enough to attend a university. The system that Texas schools have at this moment is a 3 stage system: minimum plan, regular plan, and the distinguish plan. The minimum plan doesn’t allow a student to attend a 4 year university; meaning they are able to attend a community college when they graduate high school. The distinguish plan requires students to take 4 years of math and science. If this new plan were to be passed students need to pass 15 cumulative test in reading, writing, biology, Algebra I and U.S. history, which means they would be actually taking 3 test per subject. Students wouldn’t be taking many of the other classes that prepare them for college.
Passing this bill will reduce the motivation, perseverance, and the determination of students because it doesn’t give them some kind of a challenge; with the system that they have now students have to work harder to be on the distinguish plan, which give students a challenge. Also this doesn’t recognize students that put in the extra work to have better grades or a better transcript. The main concern is will students be college ready with this new system? In my opinion I think they will not; I took 4 years of math and science during high school, and I am glad I did because it helps me understand some of the new material that I am learning in college. If the younger generation is going to lead America I think we should be provided with a proper education.
I think that if this bill is passed students are not going to receive the necessary education to be successful in college. I think Texas should not pass this bill, because it doesn’t encourage students to better their education. College is an important chapter in a student’s life and they should be given the tools necessary during high school to be successful in college. An education is an important factor that helps you better your future, without an education it is hard to be successful.
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